This is the most important step and cancels out all the rest if it doesn't happen.

Related: 10 Simple Ways to Take Care of Yourself Show up to your appointment with yourself A true break will give your brain and eyes a rest, so make sure to keep your environment as digital-free as possible during this time. Most importantly, turn off all distractions during these 10 minutes. During those 10 minutes, you can go outside and bask in the sun, take a walk around the block, turn on your favorite music, or read 10 pages of a book that energizes you. For example, you can schedule a 10-minute self-care break after every two hours of work. You can scatter 10-minute breaks throughout your workday. According to this study by Cornell University, spending just 10 minutes in a natural environment can improve moods and reduce blood pressure.

A 10-minute break can do wonders for your body and spirit. Self-care doesn't have to take long, it just has to happen. Not sure where or how to start? Start with 10 minutes. Related: The Benefits of Blocked Times on Your Calendar for Priority Tasks Start with 10 minutes Create a designated time for your self-care to reap the benefits. Think about what rejuvenates and energizes you. Perhaps you will schedule in time to move your body for 30 minutes, or take a long bath after work, or spend time cooking a nourishing meal for yourself. There are numerous self-care activities that you can do which range from caring for your body, your mind and your spirit. If you are just starting out, pick 1-3 days where you will schedule self-care in. What days or times do you commit to your self-care? First decide when you will engage in self-care, add it to your calendar, then decide what you will do. Once you've made a decision, it's time to make a plan and carve out time for it. If it's not in your calendar, it may as well not be happening! When you are starting something new or taking a commitment to the next level, a plan will help you set the foundation for it. Related: The Importance of Respecting Your Priorities Add self-care to your calendar